Конспект урока английского языка, 5 класс. Музей игрушек в городе - Сергиев Посад в России
Урок английского языка по теме: «Музей игрушек в г. Сергиев Посад в России»

познакомить учащихся с историей возникновения музея;
закрепить лексический запас по данному тексту;
воспитывать любовь к красоте, формировать эстетическое восприятие от увиденных экспонатов музея.
Пояснительная записка:
В конце учебника за 5 класс по английскому языку под редакцией Ю. Е. Ваулиной есть раздел, посвящённый России. Один из частей раздела рассказывает очень кратко о музеях России. Поэтому мне хотелось в этой работе более подробно рассказать о музее игрушек в г. Сергиев Посад, познакомить учащихся с историей создания музея, с его экспонатами и провести работу по закреплению лексики в тексте об истории создания музея. Разнообразные речевые упражнения способствуют развитию монологической и диалогической речи по данной теме.

Ход урока:
1. Вступительное слово учителя.Our world is great and big! There are many interesting things to see and investigate: forests, seas, parks, cinemas, seasons, children, flowers, holidays and so on.

Russian forests!

Russian cinema!

Our culture is a part of our life. People like to go to the theatre, to visit different
concerts, to watch exhibitions in different museums. Museums keep old traditions of the
country, tell us about the past and the future .
Museums can be different.
All children like to play with toys. A toy is a part of children’s childhood. And there is a special toy museum in Sergiev Posad near Moscow.
So, what do you think, what are we going to speak about?
2. Ответы учеников.
3. Работа по тексту домашнего задания:
The founder of the Toy Museum was Nikolai Dmitrievich Bartram. He began to gather his collection of toys in the early 1910's the Museum was founded in 1918 and was located at Smolensky Boulevard, at No. 8.

Single storey with mezzanine mansion, thanks to the idea of a Museum was saved. Before the revolution it belonged to the widow of the biggest chemical engineer, managing several Russian textile factories, honorary citizen of Moscow, member of State Council Mikhail Losev, Evdokia Ivanovna Loseva, nee Chizhova, who became the second wife of the artist.
An area of 250 square meters, of which 200 metres is allocated for the exposure, was sufficient to represent the original Museum collection, constantly updated thanks to the energy and enterprise of certain of its founder.
Officially founded on October 17, 1918, the Museum was opened for visitors only in 1921, and three years later, in 1925 moved to new premises on Kropotkin street (now Museum) — the estate of Khrushchev- Seleznyov, house 12/2. Today this building is a Literary Museum of A. S. Pushkin. Here is a toy Museum was opened on 5 January and increased its area to 5 rooms and 600 square meters occupied by exposure.
Representative collection of items of children's everyday life has allowed the Museum to participate in many exhibitions. In March-April 1922 he opened his exhibition activities, taking part in all-Russian Artistic and industrial exhibition, hosted by the Academy of artistic Sciences in its Scientific and exhibition Department. In the autumn of 1925 and the winter of 1926 the Museum was organized by the all puppet theatres of Moscow, and in March-April 1927 was an exhibition of puppet theatre, during which he held puppet shows. In the workshop at the Museum continued its activities courses, art toys, annually prepared 300 professionals of this kind of art.
Excellent collection, interesting exposition, innovative techniques for working with children — all this was the reason for the unprecedented popularity of the Museum. Visited the Museum of toys was surpassed only the Tretyakov gallery. N. D. Bartram remained in charge of the Museum until his death in 1931.
In 1931, the toy Museum was transferred from Moscow to Zagorsk near Moscow. From 1980 to date, the toy Museum is housed in an ancient mansion of the former commercial school Cellarer over the pond. The Museum is located in one of the most beautiful corners of Sergiyev Posad, on the contrary — the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. This red-brick house, built in the style of historicism which today is an important landmark of the city.
4. Find the English equivalents of the Russian sentences:
a) Официально музей основан в 1918 году;
b) Отличная коллекция, интересная экспозиция, инновационные технологии для работы с детьми – вот в чём причина беспримерной популярности музея;
c) Бартрам заботился о музее вплоть до своей смерти, до 1931 года;
d) Музей занимает площадь 250 квадратных километров.
5. Word formation is of great importance:

Who is a founder…?
What person is a professional?
What person is artistic?
Who is an honorary citizen of your city?
What exhibitions do you like to visit?
6. Match adjectives and nouns from the text:

Before the revolution the museum belonged…
a) To the government;b) To the widow of the biggest chemical engineer’
The museum has everything for children’s development:
a) The museum has interesting collections for children;b) The museum has bicycles for children.
The founder of the museum was…
a) A. P. Chekhov;b) N. D. Bartram.
The Toy Museum is…
a) A wooden house;b) A red brick - house.
The museum was built in the style of…
a) historicism;b) romanticism.
9. Answer the questions on the text:
Who was the founder of the Toy Museum?
What does this museum contain?
Why is this museum very popular?
What are the most popular toys in the museum?
What is it made of?
10. Ответ на вопрос: “What have you learned from the text?
11. Сюжетно – ролевая игра: « Гид и туристы” Гид водит туристов по залам Музея и туристы задают ему различные вопросы.
Let’s go into the hall of the tsar toys.
a) (рассказ гида о царских игрушках);
b) tourists’ guestions.
Далее другой зал и т.д.
12. Показ и обсуждение презентации: «Сергиев посад»

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