Стихи о зиме, Рождестве на английском языке, 5 класс
Стихотворения о зиме, Рождестве на английском языке
Автор работы: Нагибин Николай, ученик 7 Б класса Муниципального общеобразовательного учреждения “Школа №62 города Донецка”.Руководитель: Долгих Марина Cергеевна, учитель английского языка Муниципального общеобразовательного учреждения “Школа №62 города Донецка”.
Описание работы: данный материал предназначен для учеников 5 класса. Стихотворения о зиме и Рождестве можно использовать для составления сценарий, проведения предметной недели английского языка, во время развития навыков чтения и аудирования по темам “Зима”, “Рождество”, “Зимние увлечения”. Совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования, коммуникативная направленность обучения являются основными задачами на уроках английского языка. Материал будет полезен учителям английского языка, а также родителям воспитанников.
Цель: развитие творческих способностей детей.
- активизировать словарь по темам “Зима”, “Рождество”, “Зимние увлечения”,
- развивать навыки чтения,аудирования,логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание, интерес к изучению английского языка,
-воспитывать любовь к природе, окружающей среде.

My friends are going to pack their suitcases,They are going to go away.
My friends are going to have a great time,
They are going on holiday!
They are going to take skis,
And also some skates,
Let’s have a lot of fun
And play snowballs today!
You are going to pack your suitcase,
You are going to go away.
You are going to have a great time,
You are going on holiday!
Look! The snow is thick.
It must have fallen at night.
We are running on our skis,
White and silver stand the trees.
You are going to take skis,
And also some skates,
Let’s have a lot of fun
And ski with us!
Look! The snow is thick.
It must have fallen at night.
We are running on the skates
White and silver are the lakes.
It is snowing and snowing,
There 's a lot of snow!
Let us make funny snowmen
And put them on the ground.
Let us play snowballs,
Let us sledge and ski!
When I am going down the hill
Clear the way for me!
I am going to pack my suitcase,
I am going to go away.
I am going to have a great time,
I am going on holiday!

On a cold winter dayChildren come out to play,
Such a wonderful day,
Making a snowman all the day!
Merry snowflakes,
Come and play,
Children have nothing to do today!
Merry snowflakes will come,
They will twirl and dance,
And skip and run!
On a cold winter day
Children come out to play,
Such a wonderful day,
Making a snowman all the day!
Merry snowflakes fall and walk
They fall as white as chalk,
They fall into our hands,
They brighten up our land.
Merry snowflakes,
Come and play,
Children have nothing to do today!

Winter is white,Children ski, skate and play,
It is time for Christmas Day,
It is coming today!
Christmas Day, my friends,
Christmas Day today!
Let’s sing and dance hand in hand,
We’ll show you the way!
Winter is white,
Children ski, skate and play,
It is time for Christmas Day,
Your dreams are coming true today!
I’ll open wide the window,
Letting in the cold wind
That in telling Christmas stories
To the hills and to the trees.
Winter is white,
Children ski, skate and play,
It is time for Christmas Day,
Our dreams are coming true today!
On Christmas Day
May you meet many smiling faces!
May you be happy every day!
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Автор: Марина Сергеевна Долгих
Опубликовано: 1909 дней назад (3 января 2020)
Просмотров: 4797
Рубрика: Без рубрики
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