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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку ко Дню Победы для старшеклассников с презентацией

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке для 9-11 классов на тему «Знаете ли вы историю своей страны?»
Автор: Голикова Татьяна Валентиновна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 9»
Класс: 9-11
Возраст обучающихся: 15-17 лет
Тема: Знаете ли вы историю своей страны?
Цель: систематизировать знания обучающихся о Великой Отечественной войне
- совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения;
- совершенствование лексических навыков.
- повышение уровня мотивации к изучению английского языка;
- развитие воображения и логического мышления
- расширение кругозора учащихся.
- привитие любви и уважения к истории своей страны;
- формирование умения работать в команде;
- воспитание дружеского отношения между участниками команды.
Форма: викторина
Оборудование: презентация, проектор, компьютер
Ход мероприятия
Good afternoon, everybody. Today we have a competition “Do you know the history of your country?” The year of 2020 is very important for our country. This year is the year of memory and glory. 75 years we have clear sky. But the Great Patriotic war took millions of lives. The dreams of young people of that time never came true. Let us remember today what they had to overcome for the future generations.
As you know, Michael Lomonosov once said, “The nation who doesn’t know its history has no future”. So we must do our best not to forget our tragic history forever.
Let us start. There are three teams today. Do the tasks and get scores for your activity. I wish everybody good luck!

Разминка. Warm-up
Match the parts
(Задание командам: в течение 1 минуты соединить слова с переводом)
1. conscription
2. retreat
3. siege
4. rear
5. private
6. oath

A. тыл
B. рядовой
C. отступление
D. призыв
E. присяга
F. блокада

(Команды обмениваются листочками для проверки задания по ключу и сообщают учителю количество баллов)
Ответы: 1D, 2C, 3F, 4A, 5B, 6E

Итак, это ваш багаж, с которым каждая команда начинает соревнование. Переходим к игре. Послушайте правила игры.
На экране вы видите шесть названий туров. Каждая команда по очереди будет выбирать тему раунда. В каждом туре по шесть вопросов. Первая команда выбирает номер вопроса. Та команда, которая первой поднимет сигнальную карточку, отвечает на вопрос. За правильный ответ вы получаете один балл. Верно ответившая команда имеет право выбора следующего номера вопроса. We wish every team good luck!

Rounds 1-6
Let’s start the game. What is the first topic? Choose it.
General Information
The Great Battles
Famous Monuments
Outstanding people
War in painting
War music

Вопросы по турам
General Information
1. When did the Great Patriotic war begin? (June 22, 1941)
2. Where did the first battle take place? (in Brest Fortress)
3. How much bread was given to most people during the siege of Leningrad? (125 grams to most people, 250 grams to workers)
4. How long did the siege of Leningrad last? (for 872 days)
5. What was the code name for the battle of Moscow? (Typhoon)
6. What happened in Moscow on June 24, 1945? (the parade of victory)

The Great Battles
1. When was the siege of Leningrad over? (January 27, 1944)
2. When did the battle of Stalingrad finish? (February 3, 1943)
3. What was the most important battle where the German army had the first serious defeat? (the battle of Moscow)
4. What was the bloodiest battle in the history of humankind? (the battle of Stalingrad)
5. Where did the largest tank battle in all war history take place on July 12, 1943? (Prokhorovka near Kursk)
6. When did M.V. Kantariya and M.A. Egorov put the red flag over the Reichstag? (May 1, 1945)

Famous Monuments
1. What is the most famous memorial devoted to the Great Patriotic war which had been built for 8.5 years? (To the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad)
2. The memorial of the Unknown Soldier was opened in May 1967.
Who lit the fire on it after getting the torch from the hands of Alexey Meresiev? (Leonid Brezhnev)
3. What monument is there in the picture? (Memorial “Brest Fortress is a hero”)

4. The Soviet War Memorial was opened on May 8, 1949. It is 12 meters tall and weighs 70 tons. Where is it situated? (in Treptow Park, Berlin)
5. What is the name of the monument opened in 1957 in the Bulgarian city Plovdiv? (Alyosha)
6. Where can you see the monument from the picture? (Khatyn, Belarus)

Outstanding people
1. Who had the nickname The Marshal of Victory? (Zhukov Georgiy Konstantinovich)
2. Whose radio voice became the symbol of that period? (Levitan Isaak Iliich)
3. He was born in 1924. He didn’t know his parents and lived in the children’s house. He became a hero after he closed the embrasure of the bunker with his body in 1943 and saved his comrades. (Alexander Matrosov)
4. The first woman got the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic war. (Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya)
5. The war pilot who was the first to use the fire ram attack (таран) during the Great Patriotic war? (Nikolay Gastello)
6. The most famous pilot in the war history who managed to come back to his profession and flew without legs (he had prostheses). (Alexey Meresiev)

War in painting
1. What is the name of the picture? Choose the correct answer. (А)
А) “Comrades” by Tarelkin B.I.
В) “The Enemy is Stopped” by Usypenko F.P.

2. What is the name of the picture? Choose the correct answer. (В)
А) “Capitulation” by Krivonogov P.A.
В) “The Defence of Sevastopol” by Deineka A.A.

3. What is the name of the picture? Choose the correct answer. (А)
А) “A Nurse” by Samsonov M.I.
В) “Capitulation” by Krivonogov P.A.

4. What is the name of the picture? Choose the correct answer. (А)
А) “Farewell to Slav” by Vasiliev K.A.
В) “Victory” by Moiseenko E.E.

5. What is the name of the picture? Choose the correct answer. (В)
А) “Victors” by Antonov K.M.
В) “The Enemy is Stopped” by Usypenko F.P.

6. What is the name of the picture? Choose the correct answer. (А)
А) “Victors” by Antonov K.M.
В) “Victory” by Moiseenko E.E.

War music
(Командам предлагается послушать мелодию (отрывок) из известных песен о войне. Задача - назвать песню на русском или английском языке)
1. Listen to the melody and guess the name of the war song (Sacred war. Священная война)
2. Listen to the melody and guess the name of the war song (Brunette. Смуглянка)
3. Listen to the melody and guess the name of the war song (From the heroes of previous times. От героев былых времен)
4. Listen to the melody and guess the name of the war song (Instead of that guy. За того парня)
5. Listen to the melody and guess the name of the war song (Victory Day. День Победы)
6. Listen to the melody and guess the name of the war song (Swan faithfulness. Лебединая верность)

Well-done. That’s the end of our game. Thank you for your activity. Did you like our competition? I hope you’ll remember the facts of our history if you haven’t known anything and will never forget what our Motherland survived.
Подводятся итоги игры.
Презентация на тему: Do you know the history of your country? (Знаете ли вы историю своей страны?)

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Опубликовано: 1671 день назад (26 мая 2020)
Просмотров: 3369
Голосов: 4
Комментарии (4)
Вера Валерьевна Ляпина # 27 мая 2020 в 06:58 +1
В первый раз голосую за занятие по патриотическому воспитанию на английском языке. Браво! Голос
Татьяна Валентиновна Голикова # 27 мая 2020 в 10:24 +1
спасибо Вам большое!
Светлана Константиновна Бычкова # 27 мая 2020 в 10:58 +1
Интересный конспект мероприятия! Голос!
Татьяна Валентиновна Голикова # 27 мая 2020 в 11:17 +1