Конспект урока английского языка на тему: Саша Болдачёв - известный музыкант
Sasha Boldachev - famous musician

Пояснительная записка:
В учебнике под редакцией О. Е. Ваулиной есть в конце учебника раздел: “Spotlight on Russia”, где представлены очень интересные темы. Одна из тем называется: «Слава». В этой теме представлен талантливый музыкант – арфист – Саша Болдачёв. Арфа стала смыслом его жизни с детских лет. Он начинал осваивать игру на арфе с четырёх лет. Развитию его творческих способностей сопутствовали его родители. Сегодня – это известный музыкант, который выступает с концертами у нас в России и за рубежом.Я составила методическую разработку урока. Она посвящена этому замечательному музыканту. Мне хотелось показать, какие приёмы я использую при работе с текстом и приёмы закрепления лексики.
формирование представления учащихся об известном музыканте – арфисте – Александре Болдачёве.
познакомить учащихся с музыкальным творчеством Александра Болдачёва;
воспитывать любовь к музыке;
вызвать желание у учащихся заниматься музыкой.
Ход урока:
1. Вступительное слово учителя.Today we are going to speak about Sasha Boldachev. He is a famous musician in the whole world.
What was your homework for today? Yes, to read attentively the text about Sasha Boldachev. Did you understand the text? Was it difficult?
Pupils’ answers.
So, what do you think is the aim of our lesson?
the aim of our lesson is to prepare for a short retelling of the text and remember lexical units from the text.
2. Работа по тексту:
Alexander Boldachev was born in Leningrad in 1990. He started to do the music with 4 years under the guidance of his mother. - A. Sharapova. Many years later, the piano played a big part in the life of a musician as a tool for composition and improvisation.
But the main instrument is the concert harp. Learning the art of playing the harp Alexander started in 5 years at the K. G. Malavoi, and two months later had already performed on the stage of a small composition.
In eight years, concerts in Lithuania, starts his international career, and a year later, Alexander is performing with the state orchestra of Lithuania.
In 2002, Alexander moved to Paris, receiving lessons at home with Catherine Michel. The next two years became one of the most productive in the life of a musician: he won several laureats, receives prestigious award "brilliant British talent" (the first time the winner becomes a citizen of England) and "ProEuropa" ("For outstanding talent and contribution to the development of European art"). At that time Alexander makes a number of concert tours in England, France, USA and Japan. A children’s album for solo harp, several chambers and choral works were written during this time.
In 2014 and 2015, Alexander recorded two CDs: "Harp, as the Orchestra" (revealing the technical and timbral characteristics of the instrument, due to the well-known orchestral melodies great composers) and "From Russia with Harp" (15 works by Russian composers from Slonimsky to Alyabyev, arranged for harp and collected into thematic groups, such as: "Birds", "Flowers", "Ballets", "Pictures" and "Waltzes").
The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory was an important moment in the life of a musician. He spent four gigs of memory in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. The concerts produced a strong resonance and became an important addition to the year of Russian-Argentine relations.
a) How did you understand these words:
a tool for composition, harp, orchestra, laureat, award, receive lessons, solo harp,
timbral characteristics of the instrument, a number of concert tours, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, orchestral melodies, to produce a strong resonance, important addition , thematic groups, gigs of memory, contribution to the development of European art, prestigious award, under the guidance of.
b) Phonetic drill of these words:
c) Find the English equivalents of the Russian sentences:
Много лет спустя, пианино играло большую роль в жизни музыканта, как главный инструмент для сочинения и импровизации;
Он провёл концерты памяти в Рио – Дэ - Жанейро и Буэнос – Айресе.
Концерты имели огромный резонанс и стали важным дополнением к году развития русско - аргентинских отношений.
В восемь лет началась международная карьера музыканта.
Make three columns of words from the text according to these sounds:
1- st group:
Sound: {a:}
2- nd group:
Sound {ju:}
3- rd group:
Sound {k}
1: start, harp, art;
2: contribution, Lithuania, produce;
3: concert, orchestra, technical, characteristic, orchestral.
d) Match nouns and adjectives from the text:

What can we make? Where can we make concert tours? Can a student produce resonance on a teacher? When? Who can perform on the stage? What can children play? Who can perform on the stage?
g) Put the missed word:
(Я проговариваю предложение, вместо пропущенного слова стучу указкой или карандашом)
Sasha Boldachev was a famous…
He … a lot of concert tours.
Sasha received prestigious…
He…lessons at home.
h) Complete the sentences. Choose the correct answer:
1. Sasha was a famous musician because:
He worked much;
He wanted to have a lot of money and to be rich;
He wanted to see the whole world.
2. In 2002 he went to Paris because:
To learn music and to receive lessons;
He wanted to see the capital of France;
To make a concert tour over France.
i) Answer the questions on the text:
Who was Sasha Boldachev? What was he famous for? Who was his guide in learning music? Why was the celebration of a Victory Day a great event in Sasha’s life? Would you like to play any musical instrument? Is Sasha a famous musician? If why, what are your arguments?
j) Don’t look into the book. What have you learned from the text? Don’t copy the sentences.
k) Sasha played a harp like an angel.
And now let’s follow the main events in Sasha’s life.

m) A poem about the meaning of music.
Music is a part of life,
It reflects the mood,
It gives to people so much,
It can change the food.
It leads to pleasant world,
Where beauty, princes live,
Where there’s tenderness and love,
And we can everything believe!

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