Конспект урока английского языка для 9 класса. Подростки и Рок-н Ролл
Урок английского языка по теме: « Подростки и «Рок-н - Рол»

Пояснительная записка:
Отношение к музыке у подростков очень разное в разных странах. Вернёмся в историю 50-х годов, в Америку. Экономика Америки терпела подъём после развала. Сначала были популярны романтические песни, потом вошёл в моду «РОК» и стали образовываться разные группы. Бил Хали, Сэм Филипс, Элвис Прэсли- они создавали рок музыку. Бади Холи, Биг Попэ, Ричи Валенс пели знаменитые роковые песни. В этой работе составлен текст о подростках и музыке «Рок» и о развитии этой музыки в Америке. Этот урок предназначен для учащихся 9 –го класса, кто учится по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева.Цель: формирование представления учащихся о развитии рок-н рола в Америке;
узнать имена великих певцов рок – н – рола;
закрепить навыки работы с английским текстом;
воспитывать любовь к музыке.
Ход урока:
1. Беседа о музыке.
What is music? Do you often listen to music? To what kind of music? Does it make you happy? Can you play any musical instrument? Is a special musical training necessary to understand music? What kinds of music do you know? Do you like rock? What rock singers do you know?What is the aim of our lesson today? What are we going to discuss today?
2. Учащиеся сами формулируют цель урока.
3. Answer this question:
What rock singers do you know? Do you know these rock American singers?( Знаете ли вы этих рок певцов в Америке?)


4. Работа по тексту: “Teenagers and Rock-n- Roll”.
The 1950s were an exciting time for music in America. The economic problems of the 30 –s and the war of the 40-s were over. America was rich again. A new group of people became important – American teenagers. For the first time in history young people had money to spend. They had a new way of dressing, new hair styles and new dances.In the early 50-s slow romantic songs were still popular. But teenagers wanted dance music with a good beat, and so they began to listen to R and B (rhythm and blues) on the black radio stations. A white disc jockey, Alan Freed, began to play R and B on the radio for white teenagers. He was the first person to call this new music “rock and roll”. The first white group to make a rock and roll hit record was Bill Halley and the Comets, with “Rock around the Clock”. Rock and Roll music had a strong dance beat. The musicians played electric guitars and the music was loud and fast. American teenagers loved it.
About the same time, the owner of Sun Record Company, Sam Phillips, said:“ If I could find a white man who had the Negro (black) sound and the Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars.” He found his wish in Elvis Preley? The king of rock and roll.

On February 3, 1959 three famous rock and roll stars, Buddy Holly, the Big Popper and Richie Valens, died in a plane crash. As a result many people thought that rock and roll music had died too. But the music of the late 50 –s lived on. Rock and Pop from the 60-s to the 90-s grew out of this old rock and roll. As the song says,” Rock and roll is here to stay:
[a) Exercises:
1. How much did you understand?
Are these statements true or false? (Эти утверждения верны или нет?)
a) The 1950s were an exciting time for music in America.
b) For the first time in history young people had money to spend.
c) In the early 50s slow romantic songs were still popular.
d) A white disc jockey, Alan Freed, began to play rhythm and blues on the radio for white teenagers.
e) American teenagers didn’t love rock and roll music.
f) Elvis Presley became a new American hero and young people copied his hair style, his dress and his music.
b) Can you answer these questions? ( ты можешь ответить на эти вопросы?)
a) Why were the 1950s an exciting time for music in America?
b) What group of people became important in the early 50s?
c) What did they begin to listen to on the black radio stations?
d) What music did teenagers want to dance to in the early 50s?
e) Who was the first person to call rhythm and blues music rock and roll?
f) What was the first white group to make a rock and roll hit record?
g) What kind of music was rock and roll?
h) Who was the king of rock and roll?
i) Why did Americans think that rock and roll music had died in 1959?
j) Did the music of the late 50s live on?
c) Do you know that? (Знаешь ли ты, что…)
d) Презентация: « Элвис Пресли»

e)Check adjectives and nouns:

f) Do you know that … (Знаешь ли ты… )
- Elvis Presley was born in 1935 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA?He was the “King of Rock and Roll” from the 50s t0 the 70sa, but the he sang some beautiful love songs. One of the greatest was “Love me tender”.
One of the greatest was “Love me tender”

- the economic situation of the USA in 1950s?
- teenagers of the 50s?
- rock and roll music?
h) What have you learned from the text? (О чём ты узнал из текста?)
5. Word formation: (Словообразование)

6.American rock and music. (американский рок) (слайды)

7.Genres of rock music. (Жанры роковой музыки).

8. Say:
- who is you favourite rock’n roll singer.- if have ever heard songs by Elvis Presley.
-if you liked them and why.
9. Слушание песен Пресли и роковых песен. Обсуждение.

10. Анализ урока и его итоги. Значение музыки.

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