Урок английского языка, 9 класс. Семейное счастье
Урок английского языка по теме: «Кто творец семейного счастья?»
(Who is the creator of family happiness?)
Пояснительная записка: В учебниках по английскому языку всегда есть темы, связанные с семьёй и семейными отношениями. Текст урока рассказывает о том, что нелегко создать семью. В материале предлагаются разные речевые упражнения, которые нацеливают учащихся на пересказ текста с выводами. Учащиеся должны уметь отвечать на вопросы по тексту, объяснять значение пословиц, опираясь на лексический материал урока. Все свои высказывания они должны подтверждать аргументами.
Они должны объяснить: кто же творец семейного счастья и на каких основных правилах держится настоящая семья. Этот материал предназначен для учащихся 9 –х классов.
Универсальные учебные действия:
Цель: формирование учащихся о семейном счастье;Задачи:
умеют понимать основное содержание текста;
умеют соотносить заданные части речи;
умеют объяснить значение пословиц о семейном счастье;
умеют делать выводы;
умеют аргументировать свои высказывания.
Метапредметные: умеют брать примеры из исторических источников;
умеют опираться на свои собственные знания.
Ход урока:
1. Вступительное слово учителя: Dear students! All people in the world want to be happy. But what is happiness? There are many answers to this question. Happiness is a state when you are loved and you can love somebody as faithfully as you can. Happiness is peace.
As you see, we need very much to be happy. A man has to overcome many difficulties and achieve many aims during his lifetime.
There is such a prover” To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”. (Бороться, искать, найти, не сдаваться)
It was the motto of a lot of heroes, who gave their lives for our Motherland.
But what’s family happiness? A family is a base of our society, children are born, new generations appear. Life goes on every day.
But it’s very difficult to create a good family, when all members of families are happy. So, what is the aim of our lesson?
2. Учащиеся формулируют цель урока.
3. Работа по тексту:
«Who is the creator of family happiness?»
Leo Tolstoy in his famous novel «Anna Karenina» wrote: «All happy families are alike». I believe it is true. When a family is happy, it means that all members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents.
A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters, but the ability to understand each other. It’s really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. « Marriage is for life»- the English people say meaning that it should last all one’s life. But all people keep up their love for a long time. They may not know that a happy marriage is a science, an art, hard work.
You know, everyday life consists of many small things. Take, for example, housework. It takes up a great deal of time. But if all the members of the family help each other, if everybody has his special duties, keeping house won’t be so difficult.
So, to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. It is very important to know well not only your future if you are a husband or a wife. It is also important to know yourself, because family life may reveal something new (and even not so good) in your own character. Only when each member of the family thinks about the happiness of the others will the family be happy.
4. a) Phonetic drill:
Happy, happiness, family, marriage, character, ability;
Believe, mean, keep up, reveal, each, achievements,
b) Answer these questions:
What did Tolstoy write in his famous novel “Anna Karenina?”
Do you agree with Tolstoy? What does happy family mean? What’s the role of a family today? What can you say about relationships in the family? Is it a difficult problem to create a happy family? Who can create a happy family?
c) What examples of good families do you know?
Pupil’s answers, look at the pictures please:

Kasatkina and Kolosov
d) Match verbs and nouns:

e) What are the basic principles of building a good family?
Pupil’s answers:Happy family denotes:
mutual love, trusting each other, mutual understanding, mutual taking care of each other, respecting each other, helping each other, love each other…
f) Discussion:
“A happy marriage is a science, an art, hard work”.
Pupil’s answers.
g) Proverbs about family happiness:
(Пословицы о семейном счастье)“Love is the matter of love”;
“Love is the true price of love”;
“There is a great force hidden in a sweet command”;
(слово – великая сила)
“The voice of one man is the voice of no one”
(один в поле не воин)
What do these provers denote? How do you understand them?
h) Установите соответствия между заголовками 1-6 и текстами A-F. Используйте свои ответы. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A. Leo Tolstoy in his famous novel « Anna Karenina» wrote: «All happy families are alike». I believe it is true. When a family is happy, it means that all members of the family trust each other, tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The children love, respect and obey their parents.B. The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations. When young people marry, they sometimes think that happiness in their marriage will be created by somebody else, not by themselves. They are mistaken. To create a happy marriage is their own duty. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together. As an English proverb goes, «Marriage halves one’s rights and doubles one’s duties».
C. A happy marriage does not mean that husband and wife must have similar characters, but the ability to understand each other. It’s really very difficult to keep up a marriage without mutual understanding. « Marriage is for life»- the English people say meaning that it should last all one’s life. But all people keep up their love for a long time. They may not know that a happy marriage is a science, an art, hard work.
D. You know, everyday life consists of many small things. Take, for example, housework. It takes up a great deal of time. But if all the members of the family help each other, if everybody has his special duties, keeping house won’t be so difficult.
E. So, to create a happy family is a difficult problem, but everything depends on ourselves. It is very important to know well not only your future if you are a husband or a wife. It is also important to know yourself, because family life may reveal something new (and even not so good) in your own character. Only when each member of the family thinks about the happiness of the others will the family be happy
1. What does a happy family mean?
2. The role of family in our life.
3. A happy marriage is a difficult job.
4. Everyday’s duties.
5. How to create a happy family?
6. Problems of family life.
Answers: 1-A; 2- B; 3- C;
4- D; 5- E.
i) Choose the correct answer:
1. A happy family denotes:
people do not trust each other;people respect and love each other;
people suspect each other.
2. A happy marriage denotes:
parents quarrel every day;
parents support each other;
parents do not understand each other.
3. It’s a great problem to create a good and happy family because:
parents have difficult jobs, so they can’t pay attention to each other;
our life may reveal something new in people’s characters;
everything depends on ourselves.
j) Look at these pictures and try to understand:
are these families happy? what are your arguments?
k) Say if these sentences true or false:
1. A husband and wife have different characters (T).2. Parents should quarrel every day (F).
3. It’s very easy to create a happy family (F).
4. Family life may reveal something new in your own character (T).
5. Marriage is a great art (T).
6. People in the family should understand each other (T).
7. Both husband and wife must create their happiness together (T).
l) What have you learned from the text? What are your conclusions?
Подведение итогов урока.
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