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Творческий конкурс для педагогов «Чудесная Весна 2025»


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Рассказ для школьников на английском языке на экологическую тему

Авторский английский рассказ “Three wishes” на экологическую тему
Автор работы: Леухина Ангелина, ученица 7 А класса МОУ “Школа №62 города Донецка”.
Руководитель: Долгих Марина Cергеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ “Школа №62 города Донецка”.
Описание работы: данный авторский рассказ на экологическую тему можно использовать для контроля навыков аудирования на уроках английского языка в 7 классе. Аудирование как вид речевой деятельности играет большую роль в достижении практических, развивающих, образовательных и воспитательных целей, является эффективным средством обучения английскому языку в школе. Экологическое воспитание – приоритетное направление развития современной школы в системе образования. У подрастающего поколения формируются основы экологического сознания. Знания в экологическом воспитании нельзя считать конечным результатом. Они должны стать убеждениями, тогда у детей и появится экологическая культура, которая находит своё выражение не только в словах и рассуждениях, но и в поступках. Хорошо известно, насколько огромным воспитательным, образовательным и развивающим потенциалом обладает иностранный язык как учебный предмет. Данный рассказ включает задание на выбор правильного варианта после прослушивания текста.
Цель: контроль навыков аудирования
- развивать интерес к изучению английского языка,
- развивать навыки аудирования, языковую догадку, память, воображение, внимание, мышление,
- воспитывать бережное отношение к природе
Three wishes
It was a usual hot day in April in the year 3008. The spring morning was hot as usual – 45 degrees above zero. The process of global warming has become a part of our life. I opened the window because it was difficult to breath in my room. Something was wrong with air-conditioning in the house. My parents were angry with me because I wasn’t in a hurry to get to school in time. I didn’t like to go to school. Our teachers gave a lot of homework. That’s why I didn’t have enough time for playing computer games and watching my favourite TV satellite programmes from Mars.
Last week my Dad didn’t let me watch a very interesting film. He told me that I hadn’t done my homework in French! I had been looking forward two weeks to watch this film. It was so unfair! If I didn’t get bad marks in French my life would change!
On that day I had seven lessons. The lessons were difficult so I had to work hard at school. After school I had a lot of homework. I thought “I wish it was summer! I would like to have summer holidays!” Then I remembered the last hot summer and my wish disappeared at once. I wanted to play chess but suddenly something rang in my bag.
I pulled out my phone and found the message: “Congratulations! You are the winner. Remember, only three wishes! Use our website www. three wishes!” I looked for the sender’s number, but it wasn’t there. It seemed to me that it was a joke or a mistake. I decided to find some information in the Internet. I was surprised to see the question on the screen “What about your first wish? Think carefully!” I had to think carefully but it was too late. My answer had been typed: “I wish I didn’t have any homework today”.
I opened my exercise-books. My homework was done in my handwriting! I was happy! It seemed to me that it was a dream. I didn’t want to wake up! Suddenly somebody knocked. I saw my Dad in my room. I heard his usual question “Why are you playing computer games? Have you already done your homework?” He was very surprised when I showed him my exercise-books. When Dad came out I wanted to find this magic website again. I read “What about your second wish? Think carefully”. “Think carfully…” I repeated. But I couldn’t think about anything. The heat was unbearable. I came into the kitchen to take a glass of water. “Think carefully!” I understood that I had made a mistake. The homework was done only today. But what about the weekend homework? I ran into my room and typed: “I want to have my homework done every day!” “Yes, it’s the best wish!
I am free! I am free! I can do everything I want!”, I thought. The next day I went to school. The first lesson was History. I was sure to get a good mark at the lesson. But suddenly I remembered that my homework had been done only in a written form. What a horrible mistake! It was necessary to read only one paragraph. I could not answer any teacher’s questions. The whole class laughed at me.
When I came home I began to work on my computer at once. I wanted to type my last wish: “I wish I knew everything!” “Think carefully!”- this sentence appeared on the screen again. “Think carefully! I am sure what I want to type”, I thought. But I was so thirsty that I couldn’t stand any more. The windows were opened everywhere but it didn’t help. I went to the kitchen to take a glass of water. I heard the voice of my favourite robot dog. “How are you?” it asked. I answered nothing. The robot dog began to bark. It wanted me to pay attention but I switched it off. I was upset to play with it. I looked out of the window. A new building was being built by robots. Nobody was playing in the yard. It was too hot outside. I could see only some robots working in front of our house. Suddenly I saw a green stalk in the asphalt. It was so unusual! “Think carefully… I would like to stop the process of global warming…It is my third wish!”
Choose the correct variant
1. The spring morning was hot as usual
a) 45 degrees above zero
b) 35 degrees above zero
c) 25 degrees above zero
2. My parents were angry with me because
a) I got a bad mark
b) I wasn’t in a hurry to get to school in time
c) I was playing computer games.
3. Dad didn’t let me watch a very interesting film because I hadn’t done my homework in
a) Maths
b) History
c) French
4. I was surprised to see the question on the screen
a) “What about your homework? Think carefully!”
b) “What about your first wish? Think carefully!”
c) “What about doing sums? Think carefully!”
5. I remembered that my homework
a) had been done only in a written form
b) hadn’t been done
c) had been done
6. I could
a) answer my teacher’s questions
b) not answer any teacher’s questions
c) answer two questions of my teacher
7. When I came home
a) I began to do my lessons at once
b) I began to watch my favourite TV satellite programmes from Mars
c) I began to work on my computer at once
8. I was thirsty. I went to the kitchen to take
a) a glass of water
b) a glass of juice
c) a glass of milk
9. The robot dog began to bark.
a) It wanted me to pay attention and I began to play with it.
b) It wanted me to pay attention and I took it to my room.
c) It wanted me to pay attention but I switched it off.
10. … was playing in the yard.
a) My friend
b) Somebody
c) Nobody
11. I could see only some
a) robots working in front of our house
b) builders working in front of our house
c) buildings in front of our house
12. Suddenly I saw a green stalk in the asphalt. It was so unusual!
a) I would like to stop the global warming-up process.
b) I would like to take a photo.
c) I would like to write a composition about it.
Key: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9c, 10a, 11a, 12a

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Участник №9 творческого конкурса «Кладовая природы» с 3 декабря 2017 года по 3 апреля 2018 года
Рассказ про ежа для детей на английском языке | Рассказ на английском языке на экологическую тему для школьников
Опубликовано: 2599 дней назад (4 февраля 2018)
Просмотров: 2071
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 2
Комментарии (2)
Каргаполова Татьяна Михайловна # 26 марта 2018 в 00:20 0
Никто не знает, что будет в будущем. Работа мне понравилась. Задания хорошие на выбор ответа, я тоже это всегда использую. Интересен рассказ ". Три желания". Голосую с удовольствием.
Марина Сергеевна Долгих # 26 марта 2018 в 14:34 0
Спасибо за комментарий!