Конспект урока английского языка с презентацией. УМК "Spotlight"- 9
Конспект урока английского языка Across the Curriculum. Literature. The Merchant of Venice. УМК "Spotlight"- 9
Модуль 5 ART & LITERATURE Lesson 8 (___)
Тема: Across the Curriculum. Literature. The Merchant of Venice. Развитие умений чтения вслух по ролям В.Шекспир «Венецианский купец».
Цели: расширить объем продуктивного словарного запаса по теме «Литература»;
развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции;
совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков, формирование навыков чтения, развитие умений строить монологическое высказывание в форме монолога-описания, совершенствование умений восприятия английской речи на слух;
создание условий для развития личности учащихся посредством реализации воспитательного потенциала урока;
развивать умений и навыков учащихся аргументированно выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая пути решения;
развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, формирование способности к избирательности восприятия (поиск конкретной информации в тексте), способности к планированию собственного высказывания;
воспитание уважения и толерантности к проявлениям других культур, воспитание качеств патриота, формирование стремления к лучшему осознанию истории своего народа, формирование способности к сотрудничеству при работе в парах и группе.
Активная лексика: heiress, get married, authorises, righteous, sentence, confiscated, rest assured.
Оборудование: УМК "Spotlight"- 9, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, аудиодополнение, доска, презентация, НО.
Greeting 1. Беседа.
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
P-s: Good morning, teacher.
T: I’m glad to see you.
P-s: We are glad to see you too.
T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?
P1: Today is ….
Aim 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока. Учащиеся слушают музыку и отвечают на вопрос учителя.
T: Good morning pupils, I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to talk about an outstanding person in English literature, to visit his hometown and watch a part of one of his famous plays at the theatre. We’re going to talk about William Shakespeare.
Everyone I think has a favourite Shakespeare's play in his memory: "Othello", "King Lear", "Romeo and Juliet". Last lesson we were studing some facts from W. Shakespeare's biography and the time when he lived and worked. Let’s revise the material.
Warming-up 3. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
T: Answer the questions.
Who exactly was he?
P1: William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright.
T: What did Shakespeare write?
P2: He wrote plays.
T: What were his plays about?
P3: His plays were about people in different situations. He wrote comedies, tragedies and historical pieces.
T: Where were his plays performed and who went to see them?
P4: Most of his plays were held in The Globe Theatre, in London. The people who attended the plays were from all social classes.
T: Presenting a famous playwright. Complete the text.
William Shakespeare was born in April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, about 100 miles northwest of London. He went to school there for some time and it is believed that he was taken out by his father and learned his trade as a leather maker; making purses, belts and gloves.
He married Anne Hathaway on 28 November 1582. They had three children, two girls and a boy, who died at a young age.
Shakespeare was famous for writing 36 plays. Many of these plays were staged at The Globe Theatre in London. The plays could only be acted out by men, even the female roles. He started writing historical pieces and comedies and sometime after 1599, perhaps after the death of his son, he started writing tragedies. Shakespeare died 23 April, 1616.
Check on 4. Фронтальный опрос.
Homework Устная или письменная проверка лексического материала прошлых уроков.
Speaking 1. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Ex1,2 p86.
T:What type of play is the The Merchant of Venice? What do you know about it?
P: The Merchant of Venice is a comedy. It is about a man who asks his friend to borrow money.
They end up asking the local moneylender for help and get themselves into trouble. Finally, it is their wives that get them out of trouble and they all have a good laugh in the end.
T: Read the information below. How do the characters below relate to the story so far?
P: Antonio - A merchant from Venice. He borrows the money for Bassanio from Shylock and agrees to give a pound of flesh if he can’t pay it back.
Bassanio - A friend of Antonio. He asks Antonio to lend him money.
Portia - A beautiful, rich heiress. She and Antonio are in love.
Shylock - The local moneylender.
Reading 2. Развитие навыков изучающего чтения. Reading for specific information
(comprehension questions). Ex3 p86.
a) Pre-reading. Этап подготовки к чтению.
После выполнения задания на доске записаны слова. Учитель просит учащихся объяснить значение слов без словаря. Запись слов в словарь.
2.get married-Жениться
3.authorise-Официально разрешать
7.rest assured-Не волнуйся
T: Now find words in the wordsearch puzzle. (НО)
b) Reading. Этап чтения. Учащиеся читают и переводят текст.
T: Now let’s read and translate the text.
c) Post-reading.
T: Read the extract and answer the questions.
P1: The lawyer supports him and says the flesh is his, so he is happy.
P2: The lawyer then tricks Shylock and says if he takes the flesh, he will die and lose everything, so Bassanio is happy.
P3: Shylock does not want to die and lose everything he owns.
P4: The lawyer wants to make Shylock very afraid by trying to enforce the penalty.
Practicing 3. Распознавание и использование в речи слов по теме «Литература». Vocabulary. Understanding new vocabulary. Ex4 p86.
T: Match the words in bold in the texts to their meanings.
heiress-person who has inherited a lot of money (наследница – человек, который унаследовал много денег)
gets married-(a couple) promise to be with each other (жениться – пара, которая обещает быть друг с другом)
authorises-makes it legal (легализовать – сделать законным)
righteous-morally good and fair (благочестивый – морально хороший и честный)
sentence-judgement (приговор – суждение)
confiscated-seized, taken away (конфискован – захвачен, забран)
rest assured-be certain (быть уверенным – быть уверенным)
1.Точная копия replica 1.Судьба fate
2.Обман deception 2.Месть revenge
3.Показывать reflect 3.Купец merchant
4.Фунт плоти pound of flesh 4.Ростовщик moneylender
5.Менять внешность disguise 5.драматург playwright
6.Правление reign 6.Убегать Run away
7.Задавить Run over 7.Кончиться Run out of
8.Репетировать Run through 8.Захватывающий exciting
9.Прозаический unimaginative 9.Весёлый funny
10.предсказуемый predictable 10.Медленно развивающийся slow-paced
Homework 1. Домашнее задание.
T: Open your diaries, please, and write down your home task: Письменно выполнить упр.1 на стр.88. Повторить лексический материал прошлых уроков. Повторить правила прошлых времён.
Summarizing 2. Подведение итогов урока.
T: What did we do? What did we learn? What was difficult? Did you like our lesson? What did you like or didn’t you like today?
T: Thank you for sharing your opinions. Your marks are… That is the end of our lesson. Good luck. See you.
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