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Игровые приёмы и рифмовки на уроках английского языка

Игры на уроках английского языка
Черненко Е.Ю., учитель английского языка, МБОУ “СОШ№35” г.Осинники Кемеровской области
В представленном материале можно познакомиться с разнообразными лексико-грамматическими играми и рифмовками, что делает любую учебную деятельность интересной, живой, мотивированной и непринуждённой. Материал предназначен для обучающихся младшей и средней школы.
Цель: демонстрация того, что можно привнести в учебный процесс для мотивации учащихся и развития их познавательного интереса к иностранному языку.
Задачи: - познакомить с игровыми приёмами, рифмовками, небольшими по объёму стишками по разным лексико-грамматическим темам.

Работа с английским алфавитом:

1.Cоставьте из представленных букв слова.
2.Составьте имена девочек и мальчиков.
3.Назовите буквы в алфавитном порядке.
4.B/e F/r D/t E/e A/l G/s C/t – если вы расположите заглавные буквы в алфавитном порядке, то маленькие буквы составят слово. Прочитайте его.
5.Загадка о букве:
Little Katie is only three,
She must learn the ABC.
Now then, Katie, say to me,
What is the letter before “B” (“A”).

6.Вспомните слова со средней буквой “a” и заполните пропуски в словах:
Ответы( bag, map, man, can, has, cat, rat, sad, hat).
7.Назови гласные буквы английского алфавита (согласные буквы).
8. Споём песенку-алфавит.
9. Составьте из выделенных букв предложение - Doayoutuumlinkeahpmpleos? (Ответ - Do you like apples?)
10.Выполните задание согласно рифмовке:
I now all letters well,
I can read them and spell.

Рифмовки, в тексте которых есть числительные, позволяют быстро научиться считать, понимать и самим использовать их в речи.
1.One little apple on the tree,
Two apples for you and me,
Three apples by the door,
And four apples on the floor,
The apples are good and sweet,
Can you count them all, Pete?
2.One apple, two apples,
Three apples, four,
Five apples, six apples,
Seven apples more.
Now tell me, little Paul,
Can you count them all?

3.How much is one plus one?
… apples growing in the sun.
How much is two plus two?
… apples for little Sue.
How much is three plus three?
… apples on the apple-tree.
How much is four plus four?
… red apples, and no more.

4.Six little apples are on the tree,
Andy goes up the tree,
down come three.

5.How much is eight and eleven?
Asks little Evan.
How much is eleven and eight?
Asks little Kate.
How much is eight from eleven?
Wants to know little Evan.
How much is eleven minus eight?
Wants to know little Kate.

6.How many flowers do you see?
How many flowers do you see?
Eight in Bobbys hands,
Eight in Nellys hands,
How many flowers do you see?
7.Nine and one –
Fun in the bright sun.
Nine and two –
Fun for Nick and you.
Nine and three –
Fun by the green tree.

8.I see nine apples on the tree,
Six of them fall,
And now they are three.

9.There are nine cakes,
On a little plate,
I eat one of them,
And now there are eight.

10.Five little dogs
Playing by the door,
One runs away,
And now there are four.

11.Our class has two Bellas,
Two Jims and two Stellas,
Three Anns and three Dicks,
Five Kates and three Nicks,
Eight Sams and four Bills,
Five Nells and two Jills,
But we have only one Paul,
Can you count them all?

Рифмовки на введение и закрепление грамматических правил:
1.Past Simple
What did you do last night?
Did you eat a piece of cake?
Did you drink a lemonade?
Did you go to school at nine?
Did you drink a glass of wine?
Did you kiss a pretty maid?
Did you see a bank raid?
Did you watch a TV show?
Did you hear the winds blow?
Did you help your mother?
Did you hit your brother?
Did you stay in bed, boy?
Oh, I think you are mad, boy.
That’s what you did last night.

2.Present Continuous
When I heard that knock, nock, nock.
I was looking at the clock.
Mum was watering the flower.
Daddy was just taking a shower.
When I heard that Ding, Ding, Dong,
I was singing a favourite song,
Sister Pam was feeding a cat,
Brother Tommy was hunting the rat.

3.Present Perfect
Come on now everyone,
Do what you ’ve never done,
Sing if you’ve never sung,
Swing if you’ve never swung,
Drive if you’ve never driven,
Give if you’ve never given,
Ride if you’ve never ridden,
Hide if you’ve never hidden,
Catch if you’ve never caught,
Buy if you’ve never bought,
Cry if you’ve never cried,
Try if you’ve never tried.
4.Present Simple
Every day I get up early in the morning,
Every day I wash my face early in the morning,
Every day I brush my teeth, comb my hair put on my jeans,
Every day I go to school early in the morning,
Every day I say goodbye early in the morning,
Every day I meet the boys and forget about my toys,
Every day I go to school early in the morning,
Every day I meet my friends early in the morning,
Every day I talk to them early in the morning,
Every day we sing as well, listen to the teacher and wait for the bell,
Every day I meet my friends early in the morning.

As good as gold,
As sweet as wine,
As big as the ocean,
As deep as a mine,
As free as the wind,
As dark as the night,
That’s I feel
when you hold me tight.
As hot as sunshine,
As wet as rain,
As soft as velvet,
As fast as train,
As cold as ice,
As bright as light,
Take all my feelings
When I hold you tight.

6.Degrees of Adjectives
A rope is thicker than a thread,
A hat is bigger than a head,
A plane is faster than a fly,
And you can do it if you try.
So now you know, we all know.
A bus is slower than a train,
A road is wider than a lane,
But what flies higher than a kite?
If it has wings, you could be right.
So now you know, we all know.
A bike is cheaper than a car,
But what shines brighter than a star?
Does anything travel faster than light?
Maybe you are wrong, maybe you are right,
So now you know, we all know.

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Ролевые игры на уроках английского языка в школе
Опубликовано: 3254 дня назад (25 января 2016)
Просмотров: 5071
Голосов: 1
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Марина Сергеевна Долгих # 10 апреля 2016 в 12:39 0
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