Урок английского языка в 9 классе на тему «The Catcher in the Ray». Конспект
Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе на тему «The Catcher in the Ray»
Автор: Голикова Татьяна Валентиновна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 9» г. Великого УстюгаУМК: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева и др. Английский язык “Rainbow English” в двух частях (9 класс). Москва: Дрофа, 2020
Предмет: английский язык
Тип урока: урок освоения новых знаний и умений
Класс: 9
Возраст обучающихся: 14-16 лет
Тема: The Catcher in the Ray (part 2)
Цель: знакомство с творчеством Д.Сэлинджера, беседа о проблемах в школе.
- расширение знаний учащихся о творчесве английского писателя;
- совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения о проблемах в школе;
- знакомство с новыми словами, совершенствование лексических навыков;
- воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре;
- привитие любви к чтению;
- формирование умения работать в коллективе.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся:
фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа в парах, групповая
Методы обучения:
словесные, репродуктивные и проблемно поисковые методы обучения, методы стимулирования учебной деятельности, методы контроля и самоконтроля в обучении
Технологии работы с информацией:
Здоровьесберегающая технология
Технология коммуникативного обучения
Проектная методика
Карта урока
1. Целеполагание, тема
Good afternoon, boys and girls. Glad to see you. Sit down, please.
What is the date today?
What day of the week is it today?
Look at the blackboard (портрет писателя).

Look at the blackboard again (картина «Опять двойка»).

What is the aim of the lesson?
What will we do at the lesson today?
2. Разминка
Do you like to read teens’ books? Why?
Can we name J. Salinger the author for teenagers? Why so?
What do you remember of Holden Caulfield?
Would you like to know more about the boy and what happened to him?
3. Освоение нового материала
Знакомство с новыми словами:
1) Let’s start with the new words to understand the story more clearly. Open your textbooks at page72. Do exercise 6.
2) Listen to the speaker. Repeat after him. (аудиозапись № 60 учебника)
3) Repeat the words after me.
4) Read the words (фронтальная работа)
5) Read the words in pairs.
6) Translate into English
1. сердитый
2. причина
3. чрезвычайный
4. трудная задача
5. низ, дно
6. разный, разнообразный
7. читать вслух
8. загадка
9. записка, примечание
10. заворачивать
4. Применение изученного материала
1. Отработка новых слов:
1) Guess the words. Put the letters in the right order. Translate them into Russian. (фронтальная работа)
1. arones (reason)
2. parw (wrap)
3. ynarg (angry)
4. ovisaru (various)
5. deldir (riddle)
6. gaclehlen (challenge)
7. metrexe (extreme)
8. tombto (bottom)
2) Work in pairs. Find the words in the fillword (10 words). Cross them out. Check your work. (парная работа)

4) Check your work with the key. (индивидуальная работа)
5. Физминутка
Now have a rest for our eyes.
Listen and do what I’m saying using the eyes only.
Look left, right.
Look up, look down.
Look around.
Look at your nose.
Look at that rose.
Close your eyes.
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.
Are you happy with them?
Let’s continue our work with the text.
6. Применение изученного материала (продолжение)
2. Работа с текстом
1) Read the text (Ex. 8 p. 74). Pay attention to the new words. (фронтальная работа)
2) Work in pairs. Read the statements and decide whether they are True, False or Not Stated. (парная работа)
1. The boy is taking an exam in History now.
2. Students studied the Egyptians from November 4 to December 2.
3. The boy has chosen Egyptians to write about because he liked the topic very much.
4. The boy didn’t want his teacher to read his essay out loud.
5. The boy wanted to know what the secret ingredients the Egyptians had used when they wrapped up dead people.
6. The teacher liked the boy’s essay.
3) Let’s test on your work. (фронтальная работа)
4) Answer the questions: (фронтальная работа)
1. Why didn’t the teacher like the boy’s essay?
2. Did the teacher understand Holden? Why so?
3. Why did Holden have problems with his school?
7. Проверка приобретенных знаний, умений и навыков
1) Answer the questions (продолжение):
4. Do you have any problems with your school?
5. What are they?
6. What are the reasons of your problems?
7. Are you extremely angry when something is wrong at school?
8. What can you do to solve your problems?
2) Project Work (групповая работа)
Join the groups. Discuss the situation and make up a poster.
Group 1:
Imagine the situation. Your friend is a good student. He mostly has good marks in all subjects. But he has an extremely serious problem with his English. He needs to take exam in it in three months but he is not sure he’ll be successful. It makes him very angry. He likes challenge but doesn’t know how to solve the riddle of his poor learning. Help your friend to overcome the difficulty. Think of various reasons and ways out.
Group 2:
Imagine the situation. Your friend is a good student. He mostly has good marks in all subjects. But he has an extremely serious problem with writing compositions in History. He needs to take exam in History in three months but he is not sure he’ll be successful. It makes him very angry. He likes challenge but doesn’t know how to solve the riddle of his poor writing. Help your friend to overcome the difficulty. Think of various reasons and ways out.
Group 3:
Imagine the situation. Your friend is a good student. He mostly has good marks in all subjects. But he has an extremely serious problem with his Mathematics. He needs to take exam in it in three months but he is not sure he’ll be successful. It makes him very angry and nervous. He likes challenge but doesn’t know how to solve the riddle of his poor learning. Help your friend to overcome the difficulty. Think of various reasons and ways out.
3) Present your work to the class. Answer the questions if you’ll get any.
8. Рефлексия
Thank you for your activity.
Did you like your work today?
Did you have any difficulties? What were they?
Look at your activity lists and assess your work.
9. Домашнее задание
Look at your homework and write it down in your record books: Ex. 9, 10 p. 74-75 (in writing), learn the words (p.72)
Activity ListTranslate into English
1. сердитый
2. причина
3. чрезвычайный
4. трудная задача
5. низ, дно
6. разный, разнообразный
7. читать вслух
8. загадка
9. записка, примечание
10. заворачивать
Guess the words. Put the letters in the right order. Translate them into Russian.
1. arones
2. parw
3. ynarg
4. ovisaru
5. deldir
6. gaclehlen
7. metrexe
8. tombto
Work in pairs. Find the words in the fillword (10 words). Cross them out.

Do the exercise
Ex. 7 p. 72
Read the text
Ex. 8 p. 74
Work in pairs. Read the statements and decide whether they are True, False or Not Stated.
1. The boy is taking an exam in History now.
2. Students studied the Egyptians from November 4 to December 2.
3. The boy has chosen Egyptians to write about because he liked the topic very much.
4. The boy didn’t want his teacher to read his essay out loud.
5. The boy wanted to know what the secret ingredients the Egyptians had used when they wrapped up dead people.
6. The teacher liked the boy’s essay.
Project Work. Join the groups. Discuss the situation and make up a poster.
Group 1:
Imagine the situation. Your friend is a good student. He mostly has good marks in all subjects. But he has an extremely serious problem with his English. He needs to take exam in it in three months but he is not sure he’ll be successful. It makes him very angry. He likes challenge but doesn’t know how to solve the riddle of his poor learning. Help your friend to overcome the difficulty. Think of various reasons and ways out.
Group 2:
Imagine the situation. Your friend is a good student. He mostly has good marks in all subjects. But he has an extremely serious problem with writing compositions in History. He needs to take exam in History in three months but he is not sure he’ll be successful. It makes him very angry. He likes challenge but doesn’t know how to solve the riddle of his poor writing. Help your friend to overcome the difficulty. Think of various reasons and ways out.
Group 3:
Imagine the situation. Your friend is a good student. He mostly has good marks in all subjects. But he has an extremely serious problem with his Mathematics. He needs to take exam in it in three months but he is not sure he’ll be successful. It makes him very angry and nervous. He likes challenge but doesn’t know how to solve the riddle of his poor learning. Help your friend to overcome the difficulty. Think of various reasons and ways out.
Present your work to the class. Answer the questions if you’ll get any.
Total Assessment:
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